单位名称: | 贵州丽豪大饭店 |
网站名称: | 贵州丽豪大饭店更新时间:2024/10/25 22:05:37 |
相近名称: | 贵州丽豪大酒店,贵阳丽豪大饭店,贵州丽豪大饭店微信号,贵阳酒店 |
网址URL: | 贵州丽豪大饭店 |
微信公众号: | 贵州丽豪大饭店 ![]() |
办公地址: | 贵州省贵阳市云岩区瑞金北路115号 (邮编:550001) 〖查看该位置电子地图〗 |
电话传真: | 0851-86521888-5555 |
电子邮箱: | admin#gzregal.com.cn(发电子邮件时请将#改为@) |
服务QQ: | [ 暂无贵州丽豪大饭店的QQ号码 ] |
网站备案: | 黔ICP备05002756号-1 |
相关简介: | 贵州丽豪大饭店(Gui Zhou Regal Hotel)是由贵州省机场集团有限公司按照国际标准投资建造的四星级商务型酒店,是贵阳龙洞堡机场在市内的配套工程。它位于贵阳市金融商业区瑞金北路,交通便利,地理位置优越。饭店客房、中、西餐厅等各类配套设施完善,是目前贵阳市规模较大、档次较高的酒店之一。 饭店于2006年1月通过了ISO9001质量管理认证及ISO14001环境管理认证,是贵州省饭店行业第一家通过“双认证”的酒店;2007年12月26日被贵州省星级饭店评审委员会授予为金叶级绿色旅游饭店,成为贵州省首家金叶级绿色旅游饭店。 饭店拥有226间豪华舒适的客房及套房;同时配备豪园中餐厅、丽苑西餐厅、健身中心、露天泳池以及专业完备的会议(宴会)场地。 独家提供免费接送机、客房航班信息、店内办理登机手续等特色服务,是您商务、旅游最佳首选。 Guizhou Regal Hotel, a four-star hotel ,designed for the needs of business and travel guests home and abroad, is invested by Guizhou Airport Co. Ltd. The hotel offers you elegant and luxurious environment as well as considerate and high-quality service which makes it the top choice for your business trip. With a total construction area of 25,800 square meters , the hotel is a 24-storey building ,18 storeys for main tower, 6 as an annexe and 1 is an underground parking lot. Regal Hotel takes the lead in using intellectual automation system for business operation in Guizhou province due to its advanced management conception. Consisting of 11 different intellectual systems, it is capable of automation in office management, communications, building maintenance etc, therefore information highly integrated and rapid data process has been realized. |